Upload Bulk Upload Competencies

Follow these steps to upload competencies in bulk.

To upload competencies in bulk:

  1. On the Competencies screen, click Bulk Upload Competencies.
  2. Click the link to download the sample competencies template, and save the file on your computer.
  3. Open the sample file.

    The first row in the spreadsheet is the row that determines where your data belongs in the database. Enter the data in the spreadsheet. There are certain row/column combinations that are required to upload a file:

    • competency_name: This name must be unique in a competency category.

    • competency_description: This field contains a description of a competency and what abilities an individual must possess to have this competency.

    • competency_category: This field provides the category of the competency. If the category does not exist, a new category is created.

  4. After you have completed the required fields, save the file on your computer.

    You must save the file in the same CSV format in which you downloaded it. A TXT or XLS format will not upload correctly to the system.

  5. Go back to the screen in the system, and click Browse to find the file you just saved.
  6. Click Upload.